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job creation programme meaning in Hindi

job creation programme sentence in Hindi

नौकरी सृजन कार्यक्रम
job    छोटा काम कर्तव्य
job creation    रोज़गार निर्माण job
creation    मानसिक सृष्टि
programme    कार्यक्रम तरक्की
1.In 2008, Magnet Theatre initiated a two-year " Fulltime Training and Job Creation Programme ".

2.But if the rural job creation programme is left to government bureaucracies then a lot of the money will go to waste.

3.In 1990, a job creation programme was awarded, in which 21 former employees set to work on the construction of a visitor mine.

4.The World Bank president was in Bangkok last week for talks with the government on rural job creation programmes, principally in the areas of tourism, education and public works.

5."A Greenprint for the Valleys " was published in 2011, in which Wood argued for a job creation programme aimed at regenerating the former coalfield areas of the valleys.

6.Following the securement of a grant from the Manpower Services Commission s Job Creation Programme, the JCF was able to engage its first full-time staff, established a research department and began to carry out independent research on employment related issues.

How to say job creation programme in Hindi and what is the meaning of job creation programme in Hindi? job creation programme Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.